For many in the refining, upstream, and petrochemical industries, Hex Valve is the industry leader when it comes to orifice block valves, instrument manifolds, block and bleed valves, gauge valves, and needle valves. In fact, for years, Hex Valve products were so frequently used in these sectors that oil and gas industry professionals often used the term “Hex Valve” as a generic description for stock gauge, instrument, and orifice valves.
The Extensive Hex Valve Product Line
Hex Valve became a Richard Industry Brand in 1985, and since that time, they have expanded their line to include a full slate of primary and secondary valve applications for the various automated process industries. They can produce everything including 1/4-inch needle valves, patented stabilized instrument platforms, hydrocarbon sampling valves, high-temperature primary valves, and exotic gas distribution manifolds.
While they primarily serve the oil and gas industries, their products are also utilized by other industries that incorporate metering, such as food processing, the pulp and paper industries, and the primary metal industries. Hex Valve is on numerous OEM approval lists at major refineries, like Shell and Unical, as well as many OEM skid manufacturing sites. They also hold an International Organization for Standardization certification. Hex Valve operates out of Cincinnati, OH, and they utilize a wide array of materials in production to accommodate a customer’s needs. Their available selection of alloys includes Monel, Hastelloy, titanium, alloy-20, and zirconium.
Creating Value and Satisfying Customers
Hex Valve strives to create products that simplify the piping associated with instrumentation as well as the distribution of utility and process fluids. Their products have been shown to cut customer costs by reducing installation size, material, labor, weight, and by limiting the likelihood of leak points and creating innovative instrument valve vent and calibration access.
Hex Valve Management Team
Serving as Vice President of Business Management at Hex Valve is Charles Page. Page became part of the Richard Industries Team in 1996 after serving 14 years as a tank officer in the U.S. Marine Corp. Page is a Gulf War veteran and left the armed forces as a major. He started off at Richard Industries as a buyer and eventually moved up the ranks to vice president of materials. He switched over to the business side of the company in 2005, when he became vice president of customer support and business development.
Serving as the Hex Valve engineer is Nick Kissing. He joined the Richard Industries team in 2011 and holds a degree in mechanical engineering technology from the University of Cincinnati.